We Hear You, We Believe You
We Believe Kids Should Only
Have to Tell Their Story Once!

No Judgement
Feel free to share your story without fear or criticism or condemnation.

No Pressure
Take your time to open up and share at your own pace; there’s no rush.

No Shame
Your experiences are valid, and seeking help is a brave step.
Always Heard. Always Believed.
How We Help

We understand the immense courage it takes for children and youth to disclose abuse. Prior to the establishment of the Windsor Essex Child/Youth Advocacy Centre children and youth often had to recount their experiences in various locations across the community, encountering different professionals at each step which increased stress and anxiety for the child/youth. Our goal is simple: to reduce the number of times a child must repeat their story. We believe kids should only have to tell their story once.
Children/ Youth (0-18)
- Are you are being harmed by another person? Do you feel unsafe or uncomfortable by the behaviour of another person?
- Is there a safe adult you can talk to? A safe adult will be able to help you get help. Remember, they are there to help you.
- We want you to know that we are here to help.
- Call your local Police Department or Children’s Aid Society. We can also help you make that call.
- If you are in imminent danger call 911.

Parents & Caregivers
Do you have concerns or suspicions about the safety of your child/youth or a child/youth you know?
- Has your child/youth or a child/youth you know disclosed that they are being harmed?
- If you suspect abuse immediately call your local law enforcement or the Children’s Aid Society. Remember, you do not have to have proof to report suspected child abuse. It is everyone’s job to keep children/youth safe in the community, and all suspicions or concerns must be reported.
- If a child you know is in imminent danger call 911.
- Children are our future, and together, we can all keep children safe.
- Has a child/youth disclosed to you that they are being abused or harmed in any way?
- Do you have reasonable grounds to suspect that a child/youth is being harmed?
- Are you unsure how to help a child, youth or family in need?
- If you suspect abuse, immediately call your local Police Department or Children’s Aid Society. Remember, you do not have to have proof to report suspected child abuse. It is everyone’s job to keep children and youth safe in the community, and all suspicions or concerns must be reported.
- o If a child you know is in imminent danger call 911.

Windsor-Essex Region

Our Process
Our process is carefully designed to ensure that every child and youth seeking help receives the support and protection they deserve. Here’s what to expect.
Getting Help:
What Happens Next:
Arriving at WECYAC:
Talking to Police:
Support All the Way:
Finding Help Outside:
Speaking Up:
Throughout everything, your advocate will make sure your voice is heard and that you’re getting the help and support you need.
It Can Be Anyone.
It’s Everyone’s Responsibility.
- The average age of children/youth interviewed at WECYAC is 12 years old. The youngest child to be interviewed at WECYAC is 3 years old.
- From 2019 to 2024, 1099 investigations were conducted at WECYAC resulting in 1230 criminal charges being laid.
- WECYAC has served 2918 victims and their non-offending caregivers/family members in the same 5-year period.
- 93% of alleged perpetrators are known to the child/youth victim.
- 60% of children/youth who are interviewed at WECYAC identify as female.
- 53% of interviews completed at WECYAC involve sexual abuse/assault.

What Our Clients are Saying